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DOI : 10.17640/KSWST.2021.29.1.33 ,    Vol.29, No.1, 33 ~ 40, 2021
Investigation of Radial Multi-fiber Media Filtration Process for Sewer Overflow Treatment
김희진 Heejin Kim , 심인태 Intae Shim , 김형준 Hyungjun Kim , 홍봉창 Bongchang Hong , 황태문 Tae-mun Hwang
A novel multi-fiber media filtration process was developed to treat pollutants in combined sewer overflow (CSO) effluents under a natural flow rate (12 m/hr). Most conventional CSO filtration processes operate in an upward flow, resulting in low filtration efficiency and high operating cost. In this multi-fiber filtration process, we used a horizontal filtration method with radial flow from the center of the multi-fiber medium. The fibers and filtration efficiencies were characterized using various techniques. The fibers exhibited a surface charge of -29.5 mV. The fibers’ filtration performance was evaluated under pilot-scale conditions (Q=22.5 ㎥/day) with mixed raw water amd final discharged water in an existing sewer treatment plant. In the pilot experiment, the average particle sizes for influent and effluent were 21.4 ㎛ and 4.45 ㎛, respectively, while the removal efficiency of BOD, COD, TOC, and SS was 82.9%, 77.9%, 50.1%, and 86.1%, respectively. These results are consistent with the sieving effects and electrostatic effects between fibers and pollutants. From these results, we can infer that this novel multi-fiber filtration process has the potential to treat CSO.
Key Words
Electrostatic repulsion, Fiber media, Sieving effect, Untreated sewer overflows, 정전기 반발력, 섬유상여재, 체거름현상, 미처리 하수 월류수
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