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DOI : 10.17640/KSWST.2020.28.1.29 ,    Vol.28, No.1, 29 ~ 42, 2020
Efficient Water Quality Management Plan of Urban Stream by QUAL2K Model - Focusing on Simgok Stream in Incheon -
김소연 So Yeon Kim , 변성준 Seong Joon Byeon , 김주원 Joo Won Kim
Urban rivers have generally been maintained in order to prevent flooding, but there is a need to establish sustainable plans for both conservation and management. In this study, the effects of water quality improvement were analyzed using scenarios of water quality assesment and the diagnosis of pollution causes. The study focused on Shimgok Stream in which the improvement of odor and green algae is a major issue as it is in other urban rivers. Where as the upstream portion of the stram was clean and had low flow, the middle portion of the stream was contaminated with sewage source water that flowed into both the reservoir and the stream. In contrast, the discharged water from the sewage treatment plant met water quality standards, and it is thought that increasing discharge is needed to improve stream maintenance. In addition, non-point sources were thought to be the main cause of poor water quality because a decrease in water quality and an increase in contamination was found from upstream to downstream. Through the application of the QUAL2K model, three potential water quality improvements were plotted: increasing discharge water from the sewage treatment, reducing contaminants in the reservoir, and reducing non-point source. The results show the reducing non-point sources by 75% had the greatest effect, decreasing BOD below 8.0 mg/L in all sections. Yet, it was difficult to achieve a 5.0 mg/L which suggests that a number of measures should be considered comprehensively to achieve the target water quality.
Key Words
Non-point Source, Reservoir, Stream Maintenance, QUAL2K, Water Quality Improvement, 비점오염원, 유수지, 하천 유지보수, 수질향상
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