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DOI : 10.17640/KSWST.2017.25.5.87 ,    Vol.25, No.5, 87 ~ 98, 2017
Effect of Ammonium Salts on the Growth of Methanotrophs, Intermediates, Nitrogen Compounds and Enzyme Expression
김이태 I Tae Kim
This study analyzed the effect of ammonium salts on the growth of methanotrophs and manifestation of reactive metabolites, nitrogen compounds and enzymes in aerobic water conditions. It was conducted to understand the basic characteristics required for the application of methanotrophs to bioremediation based on the results. Ammonium salts did not inhibit the specific growth rate of methanotrophs, however, methane consumption was decreased because certain percent of MMO (methane monooxygenases) was used for oxidation of ammonium salts. Ammonium salts did not give negative effects on the proliferation of aggregated methanotrophs community. This was due to different preferences methanotroph Type 1 and II each had in ammonium salts, which rather had positive effect on the comprehensive growth of methanotrophs in cluster level. Nitrite, the final product of ammonium salts oxidation caused by methane monooxygenases, was consistently accumulated, and the generation of methanol and formaldehyde decreased due to decrease of methane monooxygenases which were relatively available. The decreasing rate at this time was 10.7% for COD, 34.8% for methanol, and 24.8% for formate. The decrease in the generation of methanol was found to be the most remarkable. In addition, sMMO(soluble methane monooxygenases) was not manifested at certain level (50 mM as NH4Cl) of concentration of ammonium salts.
Key Words
Ammonia, Methane monooxygenases, Methanotrophs, pMMO, sMMO
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