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DOI : 10.17640/KSWST.2017.25.4.53 ,    Vol.25, No.4, 53 ~ 62, 2017
Assessment of Biodegradable and Refractory COD Fractions Using Oxygen Utilization Rate and Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand Tests
이병준 Byung-joon Lee
An integrated biochemical index, such as Biochemical or chemical oxygen demand (BOD or COD), have been used to measure the strength and characteristics of wastewater organic matter. However, adopting biological nutrient removal processes in wastewater treatment plants, wastewater organic matter needs to be specified to subordinate fractions, which are readily biodegradable COD (RBCOD), slowly biodegradable COD (SBCOD), nonbiodegradable soluble COD (NBDSCOD) and nonbiodegradable particulate COD (NBDPCOD). This study was thus purposed to develop and test a COD fractionation method to evaluate the strength and characteristics of the sub-fractions of wastewater organic matter, adopting the oxygen utilization rate and ultimate biochemical oxygen demand tests. We applied the COD fractionation method to (1) a wastewater mostly with domestic discharge and (2) a wastewater with domestic and industrial discharges. Results from the COD fractionation tests indicated that biodegradable RBCOD and SBCOD was abundant in the domestic wastewater, whereas NBDSCOD was substantial in the wastewater containing industrial discharge. Thus, the COD fractionation method was proven to be an effective way to measure the strength and characteristics of the COD sub-fractions of wastewater organic matter and will be adopted for better design and operation for a tertiary nutrient-removal wastewater treatment plant.
Key Words
Wastewater, COD, Biodegradable, Fraction, Oxygen Utilization Rate
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