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DOI : 10.17640/KSWST.2015.23.2.49 ,    Vol.23, No.2, 50 ~ 57, 2015
Evaluation of Water Purification Efficiency Using Vegetation
김병준 Byeong Jun Kim , 박재로 Jae Ro Park , 최이송 I Song Choi , 오종민 Jong Min Oh
The main objective of this study is an evaluation of the efficiency of water purification condition for vegetation that can be applied to natural purification technology and construction methods for the improvement of river and lake water quality. Vegetation used in the experiments were Iris, Yellow iris, Cattail, Pearl millet, Thrumwort, Parsley, and Rush. Perennial species showing stable growth characteristic with water purification capacity were chosen as test aquatic plant for the vegetation. The experiments were carried out twice as divided into first and second experiment. In the first experiment, removal efficiency of COD, T-N and T-P was 47.1%, 48.2% and 45.9%, respecitively for Cattail, showing the highest removal efficiency among tested plant species. Simultaneously, Cattail showed highest growth rate, and it has been suggested that Cattail is the most proper species for the purification of river and lake water. Based on removal efficiency of T-P as 26.5% with growth amount of 5.2 g, Iris can be applied to river and lake water treatments. Results of second experiment, removal efficiency of COD and T-N was 40.4% and 44.3%, respectively for Cattail with the highest removal efficiency among plant species. On the other hand, removal efficiency of T-P was highest for Parsley showing 51.8%. As results, Cattail and Parsley were suggested as the most appropriate species for water treatment vegetation that can be applied to the sites having serious water quality problem and frequent disturbances including floods.
Key Words
water plants, water purification, water quality, cattail, parsley
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