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DOI : ,    Vol.20, No.5, 61 ~ 70, 2012
Comparison of Adsorption Capacity of Total Phosphorus to Dewatered Sludge of Water Purification Plants
서정인 Jung In Suh
This study aims to compare the maximum total phosphorus adsorption capacity (MPAC) of dewatered sludges, which were generated from four purification plants for the adsorption of T-P from effluent of municipal sewage treatment plant. The MPAC from the Langmuir isotherm plot was ranged from a low of 2.3 mg T-PIg sludge(P-3 sludge) to a high of 7.7 mg T-P/g sludge(P-4 sludge) for potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution(PDP). In the effluent of municipal sewage treatment plant, the MPAC showed a similar to MAPC for PDP. The value of MPAC lower in P-2 and P-3 sludges, which were conditioned with polyacrylamide (anionic charge) than in P-I and P.4 sludges, indicating that the polyacrylamide will affect sludge characteristics and accordingly affect the T-P adsorption capacity. Meanwhile, the P-3 sludge has the highest aluminum content, followed by P-4, P-I and P-2. The highest MPAC was obtained in P4 sludge for potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution and effluent of municipal sewage treatment plant. Although P-3 sludge was contained about I 16g aluminum/kg sludge which was higher than 40% in P-2 sludge, the MPAC was lowest. However, the MPAC highly dependent on the aluminum content in dewatered sludges except the P-3 sludge. Also, during the adsorption process of T-P, the decrease of T-P concentration in solution accompanied with an increase in pH and concentrations of anion such as sulfate and chloride. The results indicated that ligand-exchange is shown to be the dominating mechanism of T-P onto the dewatered sludges.
Key Words
Dewatered sludges, T-P adsorption capacity, Sulfate, Chloride aluminum, Langnmuir isotherm
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