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DOI : ,    Vol.20, No.3, 39 ~ 47, 2012
Effects of Substrate Concentration and Filtration Rate on Biofilm and Biogranulation Wastewater Treatment
현길수 Soo Hyun Kil
This study was performed to investigate the influence of influent organic loading rate (OLR) and filtration velocity CR`) on biofilter and bioreactor performance as well as biofilm growth and granule formation of sludge. Influent concentration were in the range of <700 mg COD/L, <35 mg T-N/L. and <3.7mgT-P/L. Biofilter was packed with ceramic ball (CB) and polyethylene cube (PC) as filter media. Applied filtration velocity and HRT for biofilter and bioreactor was <400 m/d and < 3h. The substrate residual ratio of the biofilter and the bioreactor increased linearly and exponentionally with increasing R/ and HRT. The substrate reduction of the biof liter decreased considerably at FV >l00m/d. At the OLR of 0.038 kg COD/m3.d, 2.90gTN/m3.d, and 0.536 QTP/m3.d, the substrate residual ratio of the biofilter and the bioreactor increased logarithmically and linearly with increasing OLR. The substrate residual ratio of <0.4 in the biofilter and the bioreactor were achieved at about <0.03 and <0.015 kg/m3.d for COD, <2.5 and <1.0 g/m3.d for T-N, and <0.3 and <0.1 g/m3.d for T-P, respectively. The bioreactor using granular sludge is more appropriate for the treatment of the wastewater with high organic concentration compared to the biofilter.
Key Words
Biofilter, bioreactor, biofilm, granular sludge, filtration velocity, HRT, substrate removal, influent organic load
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