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DOI : ,    Vol.12, No.1, 75 ~ 83, 2004
A Study on the Production and Control of DBPs in Drinking Water Treatment
김영진 Kim Yeong Jin , 임용성 Im Yong Seong , 신판세 Sin Pan Se , 현길수 Hyeon Gil Su
The formation of disinfection by-products(DBPs) is one of the major issue in drinking water quality control. A significant amount of Trihalomethanes (THMs) and Haloacetic acids (HAAs) are produced by chlorinating the raw water or organic compounds extracted from natural water. With an advances in the analysis of chlorination by-products and their health effects, numerous organic halides such as HAAs, THMs, haloacetonitriles. etc have been identified at low level. Animal studies have demonstrated that dichloroacetic acid(DCAA) causes a carcinogen. A five kinds of HAAs such as MCAA, DCAA, TCAA, MBAA and DBAA are regulated under the U.S Environmental Protection Agency`s proposed Disinfectant Disinfection By-Products Rule. The goal of this study was to control DBPs contained in the drinking water from HM, DS, MJ and PES water treatment plants(WTP). The results obtained from this study are as fallows : for HMWTP, DSWTP, and MJWTP, the THMs concentrations were 22∼29,%/L, 22∼28㎍/L, and 6∼8㎍/L, and the HAAs concentrations were 1∼22㎍/L, 1∼16㎍/L. and 0.4∼16㎍/L, respectively, which were very low value compared to USEPA rule of DBPs. The HAAs was seen to be decreased rapidly in the sand filter of the WTP. This was caused by the HAAs biodegraded in the sand filter. In addition, HAAs can be removed in the advanced treatment process although an adsoption of the THMs is gone.
Key Words
Trihalomethanes, THMs, Haloacetic acids, HAAs, disinfection by-products, DBPs, water treatment plant, WTP
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