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DOI : ,    Vol.8, No.1, 19 ~ 29, 2000
Investigation of the Tracer Test for Hydraulic Characteristics in Water Treatment Plants
김정현Jeong Hyun Kim
The tracer studies characterized the contact time and hydraulic characteristics through the flocculation/sedimentation basins and clearwell in the real WTPs which have the different structural characteristics inside the basin. Tracer studies have been conducted for many different ways and reasons. For water treatment plants (WTPs), tracer tests can be used to determine the detention time(T), in order to determine compliance with the concentration×time(CT) requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule(SWTR). Many of WTPs have conducted tracer test to determine the effective contact time provided for their disinfectants. A tracer test is started by adding a conservative chemical into a process basin and observing the change in concentration of this chemical over time in the basin effluent. The shape of the resulting concentration versus time curve provides insight as to the degree of short-circuiting or back-mixing within the basin and actual residence time of the water in the basin. USEPA publication contains guidelines for assuming hydraulic efficiencies, effective contact time over theoretical detention time(T_(10)/T), under various basin configuration. And, hydraulic characteristics is one of the most important criteria in the water treatment plant. In this paper, Case studies were carried out of water treatment processes in real WTPs in order to investigate tracer test for hydraulic characteristics in WTPs.
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