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DOI : ,    Vol.4, No.1, 25 ~ 33, 1996
Water Chemical Charaeteristics of 4 River Waters as Affected by Use of Al (3) Coagulant
박상원Sang Won Park,이태관Tae Gwan Lee,손무정Moo Jeong Sohn
To investigate the effect of alum during the water treatment process on the water quality of the drinking water, some solution characteristics of 4 major rivers (Han River, Nakdong River, Keum River, Youngsan River) in Korea were analyzed before and after addition of the coagulant. Emphasis was given to the dissolved Al(III) concentration which should be kept lower than 0.2ppm in the drinking water. For 4 river waters, the Al(III) concentrations in the treated water were 0.03 ppm at most. Emphasis was also given to the determination of the optimal dosage of the Alum by investigating the surface charge of the suspended particles as a key mechanism of the coagulation process. Behaviors of other solution characteristics as affected by the addition of the Alum were also elucidated.
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